Comparison GIFS of Tantabosom and original breasts
There's no man who isn't attracted to a woman's hills. Soft breasts feel like high-quality silk and can give you an electric sensation, causing your body to tremble with excitement. Tantabosom was created to give you this feeling.
Gel breasts are the best option when it comes to realistic sex doll breasts. The gel is the perfect middle ground and most closely mimics the feel and movement of a real breast. And is essentially made to behave and feel like human fat which makes it super realistic.
Tantabosom is a unique gel formula exclusive to Tantaly, which is 30% higher in softness and realism in the direction of breast softness and realism than conventional gel breasts on the market. More softer than the solid breast option and more firm and perky than the hollow breast option. It simulates real female breasts, has a more realistic breast shaking effect, and can maintain a natural breast shape without deformation in the long term. Conventional gel breasts on the market are suitable for C cup or above, while Tantabosom is suitable for both large and small breasts.
You can clearly see the difference between the Tantabosom and the original breasts from the GIFS below. If you want to know more about Tantabosom, please click here.
Tantabosom VS Original Breasts
Note: We now only arrived Candice with Tantabosom.

Original breasts


Original breasts


Original breasts


Original breasts


Original breasts